The United Benefice
St George on Sunday St John the Baptist on Sunday
8am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 6.30pm Sung Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist
Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday
10am Procession at St George’s
(starting at Boots, Notting Hill)
Holy Monday
6.30pm Eucharist at St George’s
with Sacrament of Healing
Holy Wednesday
6.30pm Stainer's 'Crucifixion'
at St George’s
Good Friday
12pm Liturgy at St George’s 3pm Stations of Cross at St John’s
Easter Sunday at St George’s
8am Said Holy Communion (BCP)
10am Sung Eucharist
3pm Palm Sunday Paws at St John’s
5pm Choral Evensong at St John’s
Holy Tuesday
6.30pm Eucharist at St John’s
with Litany of Forgiveness
Maundy Thursday
8.30pm Sung Mass at St John’s
with Procession and Vigil Watch
Holy Saturday
8.30pm Great Easter Vigil Sung Eucharist at St George’s
Easter Sunday at St John’s
10am Sung Eucharist
(No 6.30pm Service)
Click on the logos to visit the web pages for each church
Two churches a mile apart provide a refuge from the noise and rush of London: St George’s beside Notting Hill and St John’s near Shepherd’s Bush. Together they form the United Benefice of Holland Park.
We welcome everyone; of all faiths and none. Like London at its best, we’re proud to call ourselves inclusive.
Whatever, or whoever, is on your mind, be still before God,
who cares for you and those you love.
How to find us
St John the Baptist Church
Holland Road
W14 8AH
View on Google Maps for directions
St George’s Church
Campden Hill
W8 7JG
View on Google Maps for directions