Trinity 10 - An Abundance of Riches
A sermon preached by the Revd Ivo Morshead at St George's Campden Hill on Sunday 4 August 2013
But God said to him, You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you Lk 12 v 20
I would hazard a guess that many of us who sometimes or often travel on the high speed trains of today, may sometimes wonder what it would be like if something went wrong. We had all too vivid images from Spain only days ago of what happens when an 8 coach train goes off the lines when travelling at 118 miles an hour. Nearly half the passengers were killed and many more injured. How many on that express would have had any inkling when they set out that their next destination would be heaven? How many would have made sure before they started that all their affairs were in order, affairs, both material and spiritual.
Eccles 1 v12-14. 2
v 18-23; Colossians 3 v 1-11; Luke 12 v 13-21
But God said to him, You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you Lk 12 v 20
I would hazard a guess that many of us who sometimes or often travel on the high speed trains of today, may sometimes wonder what it would be like if something went wrong. We had all too vivid images from Spain only days ago of what happens when an 8 coach train goes off the lines when travelling at 118 miles an hour. Nearly half the passengers were killed and many more injured. How many on that express would have had any inkling when they set out that their next destination would be heaven? How many would have made sure before they started that all their affairs were in order, affairs, both material and spiritual.
The man in the crowd around Jesus
in today’s gospel reading was much concerned with his material affairs.
Questions of family inheritance have always featured loud and strong within
many families. I have said before how in my
last parish where I was vicar for thirteen years, there were two farming
brothers owning adjacent land who never spoke to one another and all that time that
I was vicar of the parish refused to allow their children to meet one another, all because of a quarrel over inheritance.
Jesus was far braver that I was when he was accosted by the aggrieved man in
the gospel today who asked him to arbitrate on his behalf. Jesus refused to
arbitrate but spoke in a warm manner in his reply; Friend, he said, Take care,
be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in
the abundance of possessions.
For many of us possessions are associated with money. Money
is very nice to have and life is very uncomfortable when it is hard to come by.
Jesus when speaking kindly to the man in the gospel today did not accuse him of
selfishness or wickedness in his wish to get his share of what he thought was
his inheritance. In the story that Jesus told the rich man was not accused of
being a profiteer or fixing prices. He was just lucky in having good land on which to grow crops,
just as many of us are more fortunate than others in having inherited wealth,
be born with skills, have had a good
business sense or whatever. No wonder the man was able to relax, eat and drink
and be merry. In our day the equivalent would be partaking in endless round the
world luxury cruises enjoyed by so many. All this can be fine, the flipside
comes in the story told by Jesus ; But
God said to him;’ you fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you.
And those things you have prepared, whose will they be? In other words, Jesus asks us, as his story
of the Rich Fool ends, is to be rich with God as well as storing up treasures
for ourselves.
Riches are an old question that
has always been discussed and which effect so many people. There was a
marvellous broadcast the other day on Radio 4 when, in a debate on accumulation
of wealth at which Justin our archbishop was a participant, Wuflston, Bishop of
Worcester, was used as a positive illustration. The Anglican Church remembers
Wuflston every 19th January in what is known as a lesser festival
the calendar of which we list in our
weekly newsletter. The effect of the Norman conquest in 1066 had far reaching
effects upon the church. For a start the existing bishops were replaced by men
from Normandy. The one exception was Wulfston who was a friend of Lanfranc, the
new Archbishop of Canterbury. Wulfston was the one remaining pre-conquest
bishop and by a clever piece of applying just at the right time, managed to
exempt all the wealth of Worcester from the hands of the Sheriff by having such
exemption written into the Domesday Book of
1085. He thus avoided all tax levies that caused other areas to have to
melt down their church plate to meet. Justin, our archbishop in the debate,
made the comment that unlike so many today who manage to accumulate wealth by
clever tax moves and salt the money away in overseas accounts doing nobody any
good, Wuflston used his wealth to build monasteries and wonderful cathedrals. He
is remembered as an able administrator and pastor.
The wealth that Jesus bids us
seek is that of ‘ richness towards God’. The symbolism of the richness of God
lies in our raising our eyes, in the words of Psalm 121 I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from
whence cometh my help.. In contrast to look for gold for help means just
the opposite, looking down to the bowels of the earth. Gold and silver seams
are mostly from down under, from beneath surface of the earth. Any-one who has
flown into Johannesburg in daylight will have
been amazed at the size and colour of the artificial mountains of spoil from the deep, deep, gold mines in
which thousands of workers have toiled miles underground and who have to live
in hostels away from their families. Those who wish to seek riches in heaven
must look upwards.
In the OT lesson this morning, even
the gift of wisdom is of no avail for those who seek to find a purpose in life
other than just accumulating wealth. Vanity
of vanities, says the teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.. (Eccles 1,
1) I the teacher, when king over Israel in Jerusalem, applied my mind to seek
and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is a
famous Old Testament lament of a great
thinker of the 3rd century BC who puts into a kind of poetic of narrative that his seeking after wisdom
has been
a futile exercise. The world he postures is one impervious to human effort,
for while human generations each pass into oblivion, so nature continues
regardless of man’s efforts and reaches
no fruition or consummation. Wisdom and knowledge merely enhance wisdom and
sorrow. I saw all the deeds, he
writes, that are done under the sun; and see all is vanity and chasing after wind.
How sad to have to live the life he depicts for himself when he feels that all
his life’s work must be left to those who come after him as he wrote about
those who inherited his wealth, and who
knows whether they will be wise or foolish.
For Paul, the writer of the
epistle this morning, there is no doubt as to which way we must look and direct
our thoughts and beings. In the epistle
to the Christian community at Colossae he writes seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right
hand of God. It is a a reminder to us all to have our concerns on the
‘above’ and not to the below. Paul must have known well the words of the psalmist
in psalm 121 bidding us to Lift up our
eyes unto the hills. Paul in his writings sees the central figure in heaven
is Christ whose authority is emphasised
by his position at God’s right hand echoing psalm 110 v 1 The Lord said unto my Lords, sit thou on my
right hand, until I make thine enemies my footstool.
For so many of us, as with the
man speaking to Jesus about his inheritance, and as with that pair of farmer
brothers in my past, we worry too much about what we have and what we need or
would like materially. Jesus was clear in his answer to that man in today’s
gospel you fool! This very night your
life is being demanded of you, And the things you have prepared, whose will
they be?
May we always be thankful always
for what we have. May I suggest that at the moment when the consecrated bread
and consecrated wine during this
Eucharist (the Greek word meaning thanksgiving) are raised to heaven by the
priest and the bell is rung, we may offer ourselves and souls to God’s service in
thanksgiving and heed Paul’s words seek
the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.