Sunday 28 June 2020, Trinity 3
When I looked at the readings we have heard this evening, I have to admit, my heart sank. They caught me at a point when I was not feeling enormously cheerful, and seemed to speak to my sadness at the state of the world.
And it made my wonder why…..why are these things included in the Bible?…..what is God trying to say to us?
Both the readings seem to be about judgement on those who have not listened to God, who have refused to follow his commands and teaching……but what really is judgment? Perhaps it is simply being allowed to suffer the consequences of our actions, or not being protected from ourselves and each other? As Richard Rohr says – “we aren’t punished for our sins, but by our sins.”
And in my somewhat pessimistic mood, this feels only right and proper; after all, look at the mess we make of the world; look at how we treat others, how we treat animals, how we treat nature…..there is a lot to be ashamed of, a lot to feel guilty about, a lot that puts us all in a very bad light. Are we being punished by our sins?
And then I kept reading and I looked a little closer, and something else struck me….it seems the main issue is that people forget God and cling onto other things instead….and this is what God is so upset about…..
Saul was so scared of losing his kingdom, that he refused to listen to God. He had already driven David away, and seems to be entirely motivated by fear of loss; loss of his kingdom and power.
In the gospel, Jesus says, do not look back, do not go back for your possessions – those who try to save their life will lose it….in other words, stop trying to hold onto your power, your wealth and your particular way of living, but focus on following God and be willing to let go of your life, and your stuff – for that is how you will find life.
And when I look at the world, I see the same patterns playing out – all the politicians and powerful rich people, trying so hard to hold onto their wealth and power – people wanting more and more, and not being willing to let go. Maybe this is why the rich-poor divide is getting so much larger….maybe we live in an economic system designed to keep the rich and powerful exactly that!
Now I’m not saying we should all give everything up, and become monks, or even communists! But I am saying, that the readings today give a clear warning about where holding onto our stuff can lead us.
They have challenged me to ask myself some questions, including:
- What things do I hold onto that stop me listening to God?
- How many of my decisions are driven by fear; fear of losing my comfortable life, or my influence and power?
- Is there anything God might be asking me to walk away from or let go of, so I can hear him and follow him better?
I ask these things because, in spite of my pessimistic mood, I know that there is so much good in the world – creation is good and there is so much to be thankful for.
But in order to really bring God’s kingdom to earth, each of us will need to let go of something…. and if we can do this, I suspect, in its place, we will find a greater happiness and joy than we have ever been given by our wealth or our power – If we can really listen to God, then perhaps we will find the contentment, peace and love, that we have been longing for all along.