Sermon on 17th July, Trinity 5, by Noah Cockett

Living in the moment. 

Year C 5th Sunday after Trinity 

Luke 10;38-end 

Genesis 18;1-10 

Colossians 1;15-28 

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. In today's gospel, we have heard a story about two sisters one that we naturally assume does the right thing and one that we naturally assume does not. We have the servant-hearted Martha, who believes she does the proper thing, preparing and readying the house for such a holy person as Jesus. Honouring him as she would have done to any guest, if not more. I wonder how many of us have felt the same way. I think that, in preparation for the Vicar coming to dinner, many of us would stress about preparing the house, making a hearty feast and having the right and most delicious wine. This is completely normal even in 2022. It is natural for us to want to show someone that we care about them, And therefore it is completely natural to have the response that Martha has to the sister who doesn't help her. I can only speak for myself but I find it most annoying when someone could be helping you but doesn't, especially at such an important occasion such as the visitation of Jesus. Martha acted as any of us would, and in the gentle education of Martha by Jesus; we can see the instruction that we need in our own lives. 

Unfortunately, this instruction comes in only a few sentences from Jesus ‘only one thing that matters. Mary has chosen the best part and it's not going to be taken away from her.’ Truly not very much to go on. Jesus has come and Mary sits at his feet. What in this scene is ‘the best part’ and what about it ‘cannot be taken away.’ Crucially the missing detail, that I have not mentioned thus far, is that Mary was listening to Jesus's teaching attentively. This is what justifies Mary. This is what we can learn from. This is what Jesus is trying to tell us to do. This crucial moment of giving all of her attention and time to Jesus is what cannot be taken away from her. Never again will she have the opportunity to just sit and be taught by God. The time spent learning from Christ changes Mary forever, the things she learned from Christ can never be taken away. I'm sure any one of us can point to moments in our lives where Christ has changed our lives forever, and this is exactly what Mary is experiencing. With this in mind, Mary is completely justified and is an example to all of us. 

To me, this all seems very reminiscent of Jesus' rebuttal to the Pharisees in Mark. ‘How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them.’ How can we carry on with the mundanity and business of everyday life when Jesus is present with us? Martha should have savoured every moment of her time with Jesus, listening to his teaching just as her sister did. We have to live in the moment or we will miss the importance of what is happening now. This is especially pertinent today. In a post-pandemic world, how can we go backwards? I don't know about anyone else but certainly, I have slipped back into old routines. Looking forwards, worrying about the future, or grumbling about the difficulties of the past. As it says in Matthew ‘Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?’Once more we are free, to live as we will, and live in the moment. I have been cooped up in college for the last two years writing essays. I have complained about this or that, just as Martha did. What I should be doing is appreciating what I have. I should be appreciating the wealth of education at my fingertips, and the enormous library at my disposal, because I will not get this opportunity again. 

But it is not all about education. I would encourage anyone to try to live in the moment and pay attention to who is present in our lives now. There are people in my life, changing me for the better, and if I do not give them my full attention I may lose out, just as Martha did. How might this apply to your lives? Where might God be leading or prompting you? Where might God be calling you to sit, rest and just listen to him? Who might God be putting in your life? Where might God be enacting change in your lives? Where is God saying ‘Carpe Diem-Seize the Day’ and live to the fullest in the moment.